Tag: Consciousness

Life’s Exquisite Classroom: The Journey of Conscious Evolution

Life, my dear reader, is a mischievous symphony, a whimsical parade of experiences, and an eternal tutor of the soul. It unfolds before us with a grand purpose, guided by a profound principle: “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.” With this guiding mantra, we embark on […]

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Thoughts about Consciousness

What is Consciousness? Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of one’s surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. It is the quality or state of being aware and able to perceive one’s surroundings and internal experience. Consciousness can be thought of as a continuum, ranging from simple awareness of one’s surroundings to complex awareness of […]

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The Map of Consciousness

The Map of Consciousness is a model developed by Dr. David R. Hawkins, a psychiatrist and spiritual teacher, that outlines the levels of consciousness that humans can experience. It is based on his research and experience with thousands of patients over many years. The Map of Consciousness consists of a scale of 0 to 1000, […]

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iHeart Radio Interview