Mind Over Pounds

Break Free from the Cycle: Release & Reshape Your Weight Loss Journey

Are you tired of struggling with weight loss?

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything – diets, exercise programs, willpower alone – but the weight keeps coming back? You’re not alone. Millions of people grapple with weight gain, and often, the root cause goes beyond food choices or lack of exercise.

This program is designed for you if:

  • Past experiences (trauma, emotional neglect) have led to unhealthy coping mechanisms like emotional eating.
  • You feel stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting and self-blame.
  • You struggle with negative self-talk and a poor body image.
  • Traditional weight loss methods haven’t worked for you, and you’re looking for a deeper, more holistic approach.

Introducing the Innovative Mind Over Pounds Program: A Transformational Weight Release Journey with Hypnotherapy, Neuroscience, Quantum Energy and Energy Healing

This unique program combines the expertise of an expert Trauma Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer to address the root causes of weight gain and create lasting transformation.

Here’s how we’ll help you:

  • Release limiting beliefs and negative self-talk around food and your body.
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind for healthy eating habits and weight management.
  • Clear energetic blockages that may be hindering your progress.
  • Practical tools to identify and modify negative thought patterns
  • Enhance emotional regulation skills and rediscover balance and self love
  • Develop a deeper sense of self-compassion and body acceptance.
  • Stop Emotional Eating and Cravings

This program is NOT just about losing weight – it’s about releasing the emotional baggage holding you back and reconnecting with your true, healthy self.

Here’s what you’ll experience in the Mind Over Pounds Program:

  • Safe and supportive environment: We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the program.
  • Energy healing: We work with your body’s energy system to promote balance and release emotional blockages.
  • Biweekly coaching and goal setting: We support you every step of the way.
  • Journaling prompts and visualization exercises: We empower you to gain deeper insights and create a positive vision for your future.
  • Guided hypnosis sessions to reprogram your subconscious mind
    • Reduce stress /anxiety
    • Increase Confidence and Inner Peace
    • Resolve internal conflict
    • Stop Emotional Eating and Cravings
    • Release weight easily and effortlessly
    • And more…
  • Lifetime access to an awesome and supportive community!

Ready to break free and finally achieve your weight loss goals?

P.S. This program is not a quick fix, but a journey of self-discovery and transformation. We are committed to supporting you on your path to a healthier, happier you.

iHeart Radio Interview